Results for 'Reflex Arc Concept To Social'

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  1.  23
    D ewey carefully distinguishes metaphysical existence from logical essences. This is an immensely important distinction for under-standing Dewey's constructivism, because, while existence is given, es.Reflex Arc Concept To Social - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich, John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Dewey's constructivism : From the reflex arc concept to social constructivism.Jim Garrison - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich, John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
    This chapter presents a constructivist reading of Dewey's work by establishing a line of development between Dewey's 1896 essay on the reflex arc and the social constructivism explicit in his later works. It demonstrates the relevance of classical Pragmatism to current issues in the philosophy of education, highlighting key theoretical and conceptual components of the cultural construction of meanings, truth claims, and identities. It also looks into Dewey's short essay “Knowledge and Speech Reaction” to identify the connection between (...)
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  3. (1 other version)The reflex arc concept in psychology.John Dewey - 1896 - Psychological Review 3:357-370.
    Dewey on the reflex arc concept--an important theme in William James.
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    Reflexive secularization? Concepts, processes and antagonisms of postsecularity.Eduardo Mendieta, Klaus Eder & Justin Beaumont - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (3):291-309.
    This article deals with the concepts, processes, and antagonisms that are associated with the notion of postsecularity. In light of this article’s expanded interpretation of José Casanova on the secular and secularization, as well as thoughts on James A. Beckford’s take on public religions, five rubrics on the postsecular derived from critical theory and an understanding of ‘reflexive secularization’ are presented. This term focuses on secularization processes and how these practices unleash complementary as well as antagonistic tendencies, a confrontation of (...)
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    Actionable Consequences: Reconstruction, Therapy, and the Remainder of Social Science.Lawrence Marcelle & Brendan Hogan - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (1):97-112.
    John Dewey and Ludwig Wittgenstein offer devastating critiques of the dominant model of human action that each inherited in their own time. Dewey, very early in his philosophical career, ostensibly put the stimulus–response mechanical understanding of action to rest with his “reflex-arc” concept article. Wittgenstein famously redescribed action as moves within language games that interconnect to constitute an interpretively open-ended form of life. In each case, these fundamental insights serve as heuristics, guiding our intellectual activity with regard to (...)
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    Pragmatic Ethics for Generative Adversarial Networks: Coupling, Cyborgs, and Machine Learning.Mark Tschaepe - 2021 - Contemporary Pragmatism 18 (1):95-111.
    This article addresses the need for adaptive ethical analysis within machine learning that accounts for emerging problems concerning social bias and generative adversarial networks. I use John Dewey’s criticisms of the reflex arc concept in psychology as a basis for understanding how these problems stem from human-gan interaction. By combining Dewey’s criticisms with Donna Haraway’s idea of cyborgs, Luciano Floridi’s concept of distributed morality, and Shaowen Bardzell’s recommendations for a feminist approach to human-computer interaction, I suggest (...)
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  7. Pragmatism: The Classic Writings. [REVIEW]J. L. W. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (3):552-552.
    In the preface to this work, Thayer explains that his purpose is to present "the classic writings of pragmatism" defined as "the original and formative expressions of this philosophy articulated by its most eminent spokesmen." The selections are from Peirce, James, and Dewey as well as brief readings from Mead and C. I. Lewis. Each selection is accompanied by a brief introduction. In addition to these selectional introductions, there is also a two-part general introduction. The first part is a short (...)
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    Dewey on the threshold of aesthetics: the critique of the reflex arc concept.Gioia Laura Iannilli - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
    This essay aims at providing a brief analysis of John Dewey’s 1896 essay The reflex arc concept in psychology by identifying in it “proto-aesthetic” elements that will be thematized in an explicitly aesthetic sense only, almost forty years later, in Art as experience. This latter can be indeed considered both as a hapax and an apex of a path in which Dewey progressively focuses on matters that can be deemed properly aesthetic and of which The reflex arc (...)
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  9.  22
    Feedback theory and the reflex arc concept.Charles W. Slack - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (4):263-267.
  10. For reflexivity as an epistemic criterion of ontological coherence and virtuous social theorizing.Christoforos Bouzanis - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (5):125-146.
    This article offers an approach that combines, on the one hand, the philosophical notion of reflexivity, which is related to the ideas of self-reference and paradox, and, on the other hand, the sociological discussion of epistemic reflexivity as a problem of coherence, which was mainly initiated by certain branches of ethnomethodology and social constructionism. This combinatory approach argues for reflexivity as an epistemic criterion of ontological coherence, which suggests that social ontologies should account for the possibility of self-reflective (...)
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    The reflexive habitus : Critical realist and Bourdieusian social action.Claire Laurier Decoteau - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (3):303-321.
    The critical realist and Bourdieusian conceptions of action fundamentally disagree on a number of fronts: the synthetic versus dualistic relationship between structure and agency; the social nature of the self/body; the link between morphogenesis and reflexivity. Despite these differences, this article argues that re-reading Bourdieu’s theories with attention to some of the core tenets of critical realism (emergence, the stratification of reality, and conjunctural causality) can provide insights into how the habitus is capable of reflexivity and social change. (...)
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  12.  61
    Reflexivity between Modern Society Concepts of Equality and Plurality.Jennifer Kentaro Byarugaba - 2016 - Philosophy Study 6 (4):199-203.
    In her book, The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt states: “we are all the same, that is, human, in such a way that nobody is ever the same as anybody else”. In this statement, we are the same and yet nobody is ever the same as anybody else. This may sound contradictory yet what it means is that there is a common base which makes us all the same, and precisely because of this base, we are able to make comparisons and (...)
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  13.  15
    The organismic hypothesis and differentiation of behavior. II. The reflex arc concept.Orvis C. Irwin - 1932 - Psychological Review 39 (3):189-202.
  14.  68
    Reflexivity, complexity, and the nature of social science.Eric D. Beinhocker - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):330-342.
    In 1987, George Soros introduced his concepts of reflexivity and fallibility and has further developed and applied these concepts over subsequent decades. This paper attempts to build on Soros's framework, provide his concepts with a more precise definition, and put them in the context of recent thinking on complex adaptive systems. The paper proposes that systems can be classified along a ‘spectrum of complexity’ and that under specific conditions not only social systems but also natural and artificial systems can (...)
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  15.  81
    Against Reflexivity as an Academic Virtue and Source of Privileged Knowledge.Michael Lynch - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (3):26-54.
    Reflexivity is a well-established theoretical and methodological concept in the human sciences, and yet it is used in a confusing variety of ways. The meaning of `reflexivity' and the virtues ascribed to the concept are relative to particular theoretical and methodological commitments. This article examines several versions of the concept, and critically focuses on treatments of reflexivity as a mark of distinction or source of methodological advantage. Although reflexivity often is associated with radical epistemologies, social scientists (...)
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  16.  78
    Deux conceptions divergentes de l'expertise dans l'école de la modernité réflexive.Florence Rudolf - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 1 (1):35-54.
    Un des effets de la radicalisation de la modernité tient à la montée de l’incertitude qui déstabilise les institutions les plus solides de notre culture, dont notamment la science, et à la généralisation de la sémantique du risque qui affecte les processus de prise de décision. Parmi les centres de recherche en sciences sociales spécialisés sur les risques en Europe, deux grands établissements ont retenu plus particulièrement notre attention en raison de leur polarité. Nous établirons des comparaisons entre deux projets (...)
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  17. Routine, Reflexivity, and Realism.Margaret S. Archer - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (3):272 - 303.
    Many scholars continue to accord routine action a central role in social theory and defend the continuing relevance of Bourdieu's habitus. Simultaneously, most recognize the importance of reflexivity. In this article, I consider three versions of the effort to render these concepts compatible, which I term "empirical combination," "hybridization," and "ontological and theoretical reconciliation." None of the efforts is ultimately successful in analytical terms. Moreover, I argue on empirical grounds that the relevance of habitus began to decrease toward the (...)
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  18.  16
    Le recours aux approches réflexives dans les métiers relationnels : modélisation des conceptions de la réflexivité.Isabelle Chouinard & Jessie Caron - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (3):11-21.
    The tertiary industry development has increased researches on service relationship and professional skills needed in relational professions. Universities and education fields have also adapted their programs to ensure students acquire these new skills. However, knowledge on the topic is still incomplete. At the same time, professions are required to rationalize their outputs. To meet this requirement, the use of reflexive approaches has become common. Despite the increase of these approaches, few data are available on how they are conceived and used. (...)
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  19.  23
    Reflexive Understanding of the Concept of a Spouse – Comments on the Impact of the Decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Coman and Others on the Rulings of Administrative Courts.Bartosz Wojciechowski & Anna Chmielarz-Grochal - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):99-121.
    This article relates to the CJEU’s understanding of the concept of the spouse in Case C-673/16 and its effect on the process of law application by Polish administrative courts. The authors considerations are based on the assumption that the CJEU’s interpretation of EU law in Coman and Others is of a dynamic-deliberative nature, based on functional rules, and that at the same it time takes into account a specific legal and socio-cultural context in which one of the fundamental freedoms (...)
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    The Social, the Outer and the Reflexive: Some More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its Recovery.Rosanna Wannberg - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):75-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Social, the Outer and the ReflexiveSome More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its RecoveryThe author reports no conflicts of interest.First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, and the Karl Jaspers Award Committee for their recognition of my paper "Institution or individuality? Some reflections on the lessons to be learned from personal (...)
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  21. Radical reflexivity and hermeneutic pre-normativity.Dimitri Ginev - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (7):683-703.
    This article develops the thesis that normative social orders are always fore-structured by horizons of possibilities. The thesis is spelled out against the background of a criticism of ethnomethodology for its hermeneutic deficiency in coping with radical reflexivity. The article contributes to the debates concerning the status of normativity problematic in the cultural disciplines. The concept of hermeneutic pre-normativity is introduced to connote the interpretative fore-structuring of normative inter-subjectivity. Radical reflexivity is reformulated in terms of hermeneutic phenomenology.
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  22. Epistemological Tensions in Bourdieu's Conception of Social Science.Simon Susen - unknown
    The main purpose of this paper is to explore Pierre Bourdieu’s conception of social science. To this end, the paper sheds light on the main epistemological presuppositions that undergird Bourdieu’s defence of reflexive sociology as a scientific endeavour. The predominant view in the literature is that, in most of his writings,Bourdieu has a tendency to embrace a positivist conception of social science. When examining Bourdieu’s conception of social science in more detail, however, it becomes clear that the (...)
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    The Elimination of the Concepts of 'Freedom' and 'Justice' in the Theory of ”Reflexive Modernisation”.Olga Simova - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):339-348.
    The theory of “reflexive modernisation” requires not only the development of a novel view of society, but also the description of an entire new, already existing social state. In the light of this as well as in this society, the status and meaning of freedom and justice are different from those in modern political theories and modern societies. In what way and due to which theoretical and political reasons are the concept of ‘freedom’ and ‘justice’ eliminated in the (...)
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  24.  66
    Social order, fetishism and reflexivity.Eli Thorkelson - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (2):219 – 226.
    In response to Strydom, Nicoll and Gregg's queries, I draw out some further implications of my analysis of theory classrooms. I aim to clarify the theoretical basis of my concepts of social order and fetishism. I end by considering the pedagogical implications of my analysis. It seems to me that the contradiction between critical values and the classroom's forms of authority remain irresolvable.
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  25. The Theory of Reflexive Modernization.Ulrich Beck, Wolfgang Bonss & Christoph Lau - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):1-33.
    How can one distinguish the concept of second modernity from the concept of postmodernity? Postmodernists are interested in deconstruction without reconstruction, second modernity is about deconstruction and reconstruction. Social sciences need to construct new concepts to understand the world dynamics at the beginning of the 21st century.Modernity has not vanished, we are not post it. Radical social change has always been part of modernity. What is new is that modernity has begun to modernize its own foundations. (...)
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    Soros's Reflexivity Concept in a Complex World: Cauchy Distributions, Rational Expectations, and Rational Addiction.John B. Davis - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):368-376.
    George Soros makes an important analytical contribution to understanding the concept of reflexivity in social science by explaining reflexivity in terms of how his cognitive and manipulative causal functions are connected to one another by a pair of feedback loops (Soros, 2013). Fallibility, reflexivity and the human uncertainty principle. Here I put aside the issue of how the natural sciences and social sciences are related, an issue he discusses, and focus on how his thinking applies in economics. (...)
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  27.  62
    Conspicuous By Its Absence: Ethics and Managerial Economics.Daniel G. Arce - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (3):261-277.
    This paper gives prescriptions for introducing ethical concerns into the economic theory of the firm. Topics include social responsibility, corporate governance, profit maximization, competition barriers, collusion, the market system, and welfare economics. The need for such prescriptions is based on a content analysis of 21 managerial economics texts for their coverage of ethics. My analysis finds that substantive discussions of ethics are conspicuous by their absence. As ethical breaches can involve significant monetary damages to a firm - particularly through (...)
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    Reflexive Modernization and Beyond.Luigi Pellizzoni - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (4):99-125.
    The relationship between knowledge and values, experts and lay people, represents a major issue of the debate involving environment and technology. There is a growing awareness that the connection between value commitments and technical solutions, scientific expertise and lay competence, is much more entangled than once was believed. The article deals with this issue by analysing Robert Dahl's `minipopulus' and Silvio Funtowicz and Jerry Ravetz's `extended peer communities' arguments. They are subsequently inserted into the sociological debate which is, at present, (...)
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    The reflexivity of cognitive science: the scientist as model of human nature.Jamie Cohen-Cole - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (4):107-139.
    This article examines how experimental psychology experienced a revolution as cognitive science replaced behaviorism in the mid-20th century. This transition in the scientific account of human nature involved making normal what had once been normative: borrowing ideas of democratic thinking from political culture and conceptions of good thinking from philosophy of science to describe humans as active, creatively thinking beings, rather than as organisms that simply respond to environmental conditions. Reflexive social and intellectual practices were central to this process (...)
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    Reflexive pluralism.Alessandro Ferrara - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (3-4):353-364.
    Reflexive pluralism is here put forward as the conception that is most reasonable for supporters of political liberalism to hold at a period when the reasons justifying acceptance of political and religious pluralism seem inadequate.
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    Embodied Collective Reflexivity: Peircean Performatives.Tobin Nellhaus - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (1):43-69.
    Most work on reflexivity has focused on individuals exercising their reflexivity through discourse. However, agents have three major aspects (intentionality, causal efficacy and embodiment) and they are fundamentally social. This article examines the possibility of collective reflexivity conducted not just by saying, but also by doing—that is, through their embodiment. By expanding the concept of ‘performatives’ to encompass not just speech acts but also acts that speak (i.e. embodied activities as socially meaningful) and applying the work of Charles (...)
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  32.  16
    ‘Reflexivities of discomfort’: Researching the sex trade and sex trafficking in Ireland.Gillian Wylie & Eilís Ward - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (3):251-263.
    This article theorizes a research process in a highly politicized environment in which we, as feminist researchers, found ourselves standing outside the feminist standpoint which dominated Irish public discourse, viz advocacy of a Swedish-style, neo-abolitionist, prostitution policy. We suggest that our increasing personal and intellectual discomfort as that policy position gained support contained valuable epistemic insight. We theorize this principally by drawing on Pillow’s concept of ‘reflexivities of discomfort’. This article offers an account of the messy dynamics of a (...)
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  33.  18
    Training in Rhythmic Gymnastics During the Pandemic.Marta Bobo-Arce, Elena Sierra-Palmeiro, María A. Fernández-Villarino & Hardy Fink - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:658872.
    The pandemic caused by the COVID 19 Virus creates an unprecedented situation of global confinement altering the development of competition and sports training at all levels of participation and in all sports, including rhythmic gymnastics (RG). To avoid possible effects of physical, technical and psychological detraining, coaches looked for home training alternatives. The objectives of the study were to know how rhythmic gymnastics training developed during the lockdown period (the conditions, type of training, performance monitoring means, and determinants of gymnasts’ (...)
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  34.  10
    Conspicuous By Its Absence: Ethics and Managerial Economics.M. Daniel Arce - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (3):261-277.
    This paper gives prescriptions for introducing ethical concerns into the economic theory of the firm. Topics include social responsibility, corporate governance, profit maximization, competition barriers, collusion, the market system, and welfare economics. The need for such prescriptions is based on a content analysis of 21 managerial economics texts for their coverage of ethics. My analysis finds that substantive discussions of ethics are conspicuous by their absence. As ethical breaches can involve significant monetary damages to a firm – particularly through (...)
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  35. Reflexivity and interpretive sociology: The case of analysis and the problem of nihilism. [REVIEW]Kieran M. Bonner - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (4):267-292.
    This paper addresses the problem of reflexivity in modern social inquiry in general and in sociology in particular. This problem is inherited from Weber''s very conception of sociology, is transformed by phenomenology and ethnomethodology, deepened by the linguistic turn of hermeneutics and Wittgenstein''s later philosophy, and has been the central concern of the work of Alan Blum and Peter McHugh. The issues and spectres raised by reflexivity are methodological arbitrariness, the need to take responsibility for one''s own talk (and (...)
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  36.  54
    Reflexivity unpacked: performativity, uncertainty and analytical monocultures.Richard Bronk - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):343-349.
    This paper analyses Soros' theory of reflexivity by breaking it down into several component concepts that are individually well analysed in existing literature – including performativity, self-reinforcing feedback loops and uncertainty. By focusing on the cognitive myopia implied by analytical monocultures and on the indeterminacy implied by innovation, it helps establish boundaries of applicability for reflexivity models. It argues that Soros largely ignores a key element in the formation of self-reinforcing delusions or market bubbles – the role played in conditions (...)
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  37. Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity.Guido Mollering - 2006 - Elsevier.
    What makes trust such a powerful concept? Is it merely that in trust the whole range of social forces that we know play together? Or is it that trust involves a peculiar element beyond those we can account for? While trust is an attractive and evocative concept that has gained increasing popularity across the social sciences, it remains elusive, its many facets and applications obscuring a clear overall vision of its essence. In this book, Guido Möllering (...)
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    Reassessing the political dimension of the labor market: Power relations, recommodification, and epistemic reflexivity.Jorge Sola - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):31-48.
    Labor market deregulation has been at the core of the changes in the political economy during the last decades. The pervasive neoliberal wisdom has depoliticized the nature and effects of this process, a bias that has also affected the scholarship, which often overlooks its power dimension. This article aims to explore the role of power in the labor market to offer some theoretical insights for empirical research and public debate. Departing from the worker–employer “contested exchange” at the workplace, the article (...)
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    Defining personal reflexivity: A critical reading of Archer’s approach.Ana Caetano - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (1):60-75.
    Margaret Archer plays a leading role in the sociological analysis of the relation between structure and agency, and particularly in the study of reflexivity. The main aim of this article is to discuss her approach, focusing on the main contributions and limitations of Archer’s theory of reflexivity. It is argued that even though her research is a pioneering one, proposing an operationalization of the concept of reflexivity in view of its empirical implementation, it also minimizes crucial social factors (...)
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    On the reflexivity of crises: Lessons from critical theory and systems theory.Daniel Chernilo, Aldo Mascareño & Rodrigo Cordero - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (4):511-530.
    The main aim of this article is to offer a sociological concept of crisis that, defined as the expected yet non-lineal outcome of the internal dynamics of modern societies, builds on the synergies between critical theory and systems theory. It contends that, notwithstanding important differences, both traditions concur in addressing crises as a form of self-reproduction of social systems as much as a form of engagement with the complexities and effects of such processes of reproduction. In order to (...)
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    Conspicuous By Its Absence: Ethics and Managerial Economics. [REVIEW]M. Arce - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (3):261-277.
    This paper gives prescriptions for introducing ethical concerns into the economic theory of the firm. Topics include social responsibility, corporate governance, profit maximization, competition barriers, collusion, the market system, and welfare economics. The need for such prescriptions is based on a content analysis of 21 managerial economics texts for their coverage of ethics. My analysis finds that substantive discussions of ethics are conspicuous by their absence. As ethical breaches can involve significant monetary damages to a firm – particularly through (...)
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    Simulations Versus Case Studies: Effectively Teaching the Premises of Sustainable Development in the Classroom.Andrea M. Prado, Ronald Arce, Luis E. Lopez, Jaime García & Andy A. Pearson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):303-327.
    The systemic complexity of sustainable development imposes a major cognitive challenge to students’ learning. Faculty can explore new approaches in the classroom to teach the topic successfully, including the use of technology. We conducted an experiment to compare the effectiveness of a simulation vis-à-vis a case-based method to teach sustainable development. We found that both pedagogical methods are effective for teaching this concept, although our results support the idea that simulations are slightly more effective than case studies, particularly to (...)
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    Socially interested, or socially sophisticated? On mutual social influence in autism.Baudouin Forgeot D'Arc & Isabelle Soulières - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    A lower tendency to influence and be influenced by their social environment seems almost self-evident in autism. However, a closer look at differences and similarities between autistic and non-autistic individuals suggests that some basic mechanisms involved in social influence might be intact in autism, whereas atypical responses point to differences in more sophisticated recursive social strategies, such as reputation management.
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    Reflexivity and the Idea of Law.N. E. Simmonds - 2010 - Jurisprudence 1 (1):1-23.
    To understand the distinctive characteristics of the institutions of law, one needs to understand the idea of law. Understanding the nature of law is not ultimately a matter of achieving a careful description of social practices but a matter of grasping the idea towards which those practices must be understood as oriented. The idea of law is the focal point that enables us to make coherent sense of the otherwise diverse features of practice, but it is not itself a (...)
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    Sociology as Reflexive Science.Derek Robbins - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (5):77-98.
    The article focuses on the fact that the consequence of Bourdieu’s death is that we now have to respond specifically to the texts that he produced between 1958 and 2002, rather than to the impact of writing and political action in combination, which was his goal during his life. The article raises general questions about the status of social texts in relation to the practices of philosophy and social scientific enquiry to which Bourdieu must have returned in preparing (...)
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    A limitation of the reflex-arc approach to consciousness.J. Steven Reznick & Philip David Zelazo - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):692-692.
  47.  44
    Jurgen Habermas: La estructura de la acción comunicativa como recinto crítico. (ARTíCULO).José Luis Arce Carrascoso - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (1):189-207.
    The starting point of this study is the concept of the “world-opening instance” one of the most carefully created concepts in philosophical reflection, from the predominance of the being, via consciousness, to a singular mode of experience which finds its support in finiteness and dispossession . The main points of the article are the analysis of the fragile itinerary of subjectivity, the study of Da-seinas the limit of the substantialist ontology, and the experience of negativity as an appropriate form (...)
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    New Face of Development Assistance.Todd Sandler & Daniel G. Arce - 2012 - In Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Bernd Siebenhüner, Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press. pp. 55.
    This chapter focuses on changing moral values associated with the provision of public goods, which incorporates an additional moral condition based on donor self-interest. Assistance for less-developed countries to replace ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons with non-ozone-depleting hydrofluorocarbons helps the donor country to achieve a thicker stratospheric ozone layer, which protects its own citizens, along with others. The elimination of corrupt practices can provide LDCs with markets for primary exports and lead to better provision of public goods. Improved economic conditions in these countries (...)
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    Hermeneutic culturalism and its double: a key problem in the reflexive modernization debate.Piet Strydom - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (1):45-69.
    Proceeding from the debate opened by Beck, Giddens and Lash’s Reflexive Modernization, this paper seeks to clear the way for a more consistent and coherent concept of reflexivity in relation to the cultural-symbolic foundations of society. Seeing that Lash in his contribution to the debate inadvertently raises a key problem, i.e., the broad cognitive problem, the paper develops a critique of his hermeneutic culturalism. It focuses on the disparity between the position explicitly put forward in the debate with Beck (...)
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    The Problem of Developing the Reflexivity of Future Specialists in Social and Humanistic Sciences in the Context of Postmodernism.Serhii Illiuschenko, Mykhailo Povidaichyk, Tetiana Dorosh, Natalia Demyanenko, Larysa Ostapenko & Anatolii Maksymenko - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (4):171-183.
    The article talks about the postmodern approach to studying the problem of reflexive competence of future specialists, requires a comprehensive analysis of the organization and content of the educational process in higher education institutions. The postmodern concept of professional reflection and personal reflexivity of students is highlighted, it determines the ratio of these formations as unique individual phenomena, their influence on the formation and manifestation of professional and professional competence at the creative-professional, cognitive and personal-motivational levels. The concept (...)
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